Our Philosophy of building is guided by a building process that has six main parts namely:
- 1. PROBLEM STATING. This is always the first stage of our building process. In this stage problem areas are postulated. This helps us to delineate the boundaries of all subsequent investigation. The boundaries are not sacrosanct as subsequent work may well uncover facts which will disturb the original genesis of the project.
- 2. OBSERVATION This includes the gathering of all relevant information. During this stage we also review existing examples or phenomena. The selections of what to observe, and how to record the observations is done with skill and objectivity.
- 3. ANALYSIS In this stage the results of observations, in terms of data collection, fact finding, and areas of success, failure or redundancy are assessed, sometimes by statistical processes. This allows the problem to be reduced to manageable proportions.
- 4. HYPOTHESIS After reviewing the collated information we frame hypotheses. This involves the development of a theory leading to a useful classification of consistent aims. Testing of hypotheses, by means of optical or mathematical models is usually undertaken. These may well suggest further questions at this stage, and require backtracking to the first stage.
- 5. EVALUATION This establishes the relevance of the hypothesis as finally expressed and begins to point a solution, or in many cases, possible alternatives solutions which in their time should be
evaluated and their constraints and values recognized.
- 6. SYNTHESIS During this stage one essential solution is adopted so that a course of action can be confidently pursued. This is clearly documented and the priorities in the decision to proceed clearly stated. The sequence of our methodology, which has all the above stages, is by no means linear but is spiral like. Constant reappraisal is a necessary part of the design and the building process. We therefore pursue solutions for our Architectural problems in a spiral manner. Ours is to and fro process which ensures progress along the way in the same way we ascend C spiral staircase. This way we are able to adequately order and assess the information gathered.